What is the Presentation of the Lord? Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
•3주 전
Why is reading the Word of God important? Ordinary Time 3C
•4주 전
The Wedding at Cana! Ordinary Time 2C
•1개월 전
The Baptism of the Lord! Cycle C
•1개월 전
The Three Magi! The Epiphany of the Lord
•2개월 전
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God!
•2개월 전
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (reflection only)
•2개월 전
Merry Christmas! Christmas: Mass during the day
•2개월 전
Messiah! Advent 4C
•2개월 전
Rejoice! Advent 3C
•2개월 전
He is coming! Advent 2C
•2개월 전
What is Advent? Advent 1C
•2개월 전
The Solemnity Christ, King of the Universe! Cycle B
•3개월 전
God’s Kingdom! Ordinary Time 33B
•3개월 전
Two Widows! Ordinary Time 32B
•3개월 전
Solemnity of All Saints! November 1st
•3개월 전
Jesus and Bartimaeus! Ordinary Time 30B
•3개월 전
Power and Honor? Ordinary Time 29B
•4개월 전
"What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Ordinary Time 28B
•4개월 전
Why is marriage important? Ordinary Time 27B
•4개월 전